'Take a bike for a ride'

Why a test drive is so important

You don’t put together a new bike with your eyes alone.
You do it with your whole body: everything has to be right. Can you switch smoothly, the saddle is good, how does the bike brake? Bolt them yummy, are the tubes okay, do you feel comfortable?

Your bike has to feel physical. Whether everything is 100% correct, you only find out by extensive testing.
Choose a copy from our workshop and pull it out. Not just out on the street and off. Take a brisk ride in the neighborhood and you really feel how it clicks.


A test drive teaches you a lot

A test drive can also be custom built

How do you test a bike for commuting? Simple: by commuting with it!
That’s the only way you know what you really need. The best test drive is one that most approximates your daily bike use.
Of course, we can’t let you do a world tour, but we can offer you as much as possible to imitate such a trip.

Choose your route

A short drive in the parking lot says very little. That’s why we have a GPS ready for you with already some routes on it. Book your test drive and go out in the area by bike. You’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Adjust the bike

Unfortunately, you can’t change everything. However, we can provide the right pedals or saddle. Do you like a drink with it? Then we place a drinking bus holder. We look at what we can adapt by bike for your ultimate test ride.

Realistic testing

Are you going on a world tour? Then you have a lot of weight on your bike, and it makes sense that you take a test ride with weight, right? We put everything on the bike so you can really experience what it will be when you bolt through the desert with your pack.

Test drive with GPS

Choose a route and set out.

Short drive

Long drive


Golden Carolus Route

Take a short drive through Mechelen. Cobbles, terraces and traffic in the built-up area: on this ride you test your bike in the city.

This longer ride will lead you in and around Mechelen. The city centre, but also the green edge along the water. Ideal for weekend triplers.

A nice, flat course. Through mainly paved roads you will explore the sometimes surprising village centres of this beautiful region.

From Mechelen to Boom, along nature reserve and above all a lot of water. You will thoroughly experience what your dream bike can do for you.

Test drive with GPS

Choose a route and set out.

Short Ride

Take a short drive in Mechelen. This ride mimics city usage.

Long Drive

Enjoy a longer ride in and around mechelen. This ride shows what it feels like to ride in the city but also what to expect on small trips.

Chicory route

A varied and above all flat course. This trail takes you through village centres on mainly paved roads.

Golden Carolus route

This route takes you through Mechelen, past car-free towpaths, the Zennegat,... This route is pure enjoyment of the beauty and feeling what your dream bike can do for you.

What exactly can you test?

You can test for the top brands below. 
We have a lot of test models in-house. Have you made your choice yet? Call or email us to see if the model you want to test is available.

Urban Arrow
Pendix motor
Koga Signature
Velo de Ville